Benefit Impact Assessment: an excellent baseline for Rotolito Group

We are very pleased to share with you the results of the Rotolito Group's BIA (Benefit Impact Assessment), and in particular the results related to labour practices, measured during the assessment of the first half of 2023.

Article by Rotolito

We are very pleased to share with you the results of the Rotolito Group’s BIA (Benefit Impact Assessment), and in particular the results related to labour practices, measured during the assessment of the first half of 2023: a high score, compared to other companies of similar size worldwide, something we are proud of.

Although this can be partly attributed to the many worker protection laws in Italy, it is, however, clear that we are committed to going above and beyond the requirements of current regulations. Defending the rights, safety and welfare of our workers is an ongoing effort, and we have undertaken many commitments in the near future to increasingly improve the quality of life and work of our human capital. Evolving for us means focusing on and protecting both the environment and people.

For example, Rotolito not only provides the periodical medical check-ups mandated in Italian Leg. Decree 81/08 for all workers deemed at risk, but also offers annual health screening and blood tests for all the employees in the production departments. Employees, who are over fifty, are also offered tests for measuring dangerous cholesterol levels, demonstrating the commitment and belief that we have in prevention. We also provide additional health care including accident insurance policies, dental insurance plans and additional medical insurance. This ensures comprehensive coverage for all full-time and part-time employees, bringing economic benefits to the family budget and, at the same time, to the entire community, which, if healthier and more controlled by companies, reduces the economic burden on public spending that can thus be redirected to the most fragile and needy categories of the population for more efficient welfare.

For the future, sessions have already been planned to raise awareness on the importance of cancer prevention, proper nutrition, and the fight against tobacco.

Rotolito’s low turnover level, which is 5% of the entire workforce, is a concrete demonstration of the level of satisfaction among our staff.

«The journeys are the travellers»